Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A New Day Has Come

     It's day 2 of the zombie apocalypse. Much has happened since I last wrote.  I was trying to escape from the human Head Quarters and I was surrounded by 20 zombies who all brutally attacked me! I barely escaped with my life. Wounded I limped back to the safety of my car and made my get away.  The virus started affecting me almost immediately--if I did not act fast I would soon become a zombie for good. Around the time I felt myself craving a rare McDonald's hamburger I knew my humanity was almost gone.

     News has been spreading about some doctors who have been working on an antidote to the virus, it's not perfected but news was that they were looking for someone to test it on before they started mass producing it. I hurriedly made my way to the hospital hoping that they could help me before it was too late. I got into the facility and suddenly starting feeling very hungry and aware of the weakness of the all humans around me.  Idiotic humans!! They didn't even know their lives were in danger!! I lunged for the nearest one and the last thing I heard was a shot ring out and that's the last thing I remember about yesterday.
     This morning I woke up in my bed at home.  I knew at once that the antidote had worked!! Thus my second life begun.  I vowed that I would do everything in my power to make it through the day alive.   A new day has come.

     On my way to my first class, while jumping through bushes I was able to kill an unsuspecting zombie from behind; some may say that was low but I can assure you that zombie would have given no thought to doing the same.  Nothing of report happened until my last class.

    The moment I stepped through the doorway I saw her.  She was sitting in the back of class looking innocent but as soon as we made eye contact her eyes seemed to say "Game on." I nodded in return and sat down to take my test.  As soon as I'd finished my test I went to leave the classroom, when I got to the door I looked over my shoulder and there she was, ever watching me, I smiled and triumphantly left her to starve.
     The way back home from classes was the most nerve-wracking. I was about to walk out a door when I saw a group of zombies walk past the front door, I hid before they noticed me, I had to be more careful if I was to survive.  I snuck out a back door and took a wide loop around the TSC and library (zombies like cafeteria food and books...true story ALWAYS infested) I came to the north end of the quad and I saw him.

     He was acting nonchalantly like he hadn't seen me, but I noticed that his direction was veering towards me, I likewise adjusted my direction and then I noticed another one coming from the other side, I surveyed my options and knew I had to seek refuge, I couldn't take two of them from opposite sides without back up. I increased my speed to a sprint and ran up the wheelchair ramp of Old Main, one zombie ran up the stairs to cut off my access to safety, I pumped some foam into him with my Nerf gun and grabbed onto the doorknob of safety. The surviving zombie and I exchanged glances. We both knew I didn't have a class there and that I'd have to come out sooner or later.

      I hurriedly reloaded my gun and dashed to the far South door hoping to confuse him by taking the exit farthest from my destination. I was part way through the LLC and then I saw him, he was slowly following me and decreasing the space between us. I stopped and threatened him with my gun, but we both knew my range wasn't far enough to get him. He maliciously grinned and informed me he had nothing to do for the rest of the day... I felt my skin crawl. I made a dash which he then started to run as well and just as fast I stopped, turned around, and opened fire upon him--I got him, and I got him good! He then began to follow me wounded, we both knew that he would regenerate in 2 minutes if I didn't get to safety fast enough. I went into a building and he followed me in, I made a maze through the hallways and lost him.

    Made my way though to the other side, checked outside to make sure it was zombie-free and made a run for it, all I had to do was make it across the road and I would be safe. I made it just in time and breathed a sigh of relief. I lived though the day. My joy was short-lived as I realized with a jolt of fear that I must do it again tomorrow and with the zombie-count now nearly 300, it was not going to be as easy.

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