Thursday, July 23, 2009


So I headed out the rodeo yesterday. It was tons of fun!! Probably the best part about rodeos is the freedom to yell obnoxious sayings you wouldn't normally get away with. Our favorites of the night include: "YEE-HAW!!", "Ride him, Cowboy!", "Reach for the skies!", "Boy-Howdy!", and (my personal favorite) "There's a snake in my boot!!" Good ol' rodeo!

Watching a rodeo always brings out an interesting argument inside myself: who's side am I REALLY on?

While watching the bucking broncos or the bulls I'm always on the side of the rider because I feel like that one is just a mere annoyance to the animal in question whereas the poor rider is holding on to dear life hoping not to break a bone or be trampled. The cowboys always win my sympathy there.

Where they do not, however, is when it comes to the roping events. I think if you were with me the first time I witnessed a roping event you'd attest that it is not my favorite event. My cousin still upholds that he thought he saw me crying at one point. (Not true! I had dirt in my eye!) I think the worst is when they rope the calf around it's neck and it clothes-lines itself. Or when the cowboy grabs it and flips it upside down. It all happens so fast I don't think the cow even knows what's happening. It's probably like "WOAH!! WHAT?! I do believe I am now upside down with all my feet tied together." Or something to that effect.

But whether I'm on the side of the cowboys or the animals a rodeo is something I love!! Favorite things to do: yell random phrases *Look above for examples*, pretend that what the rodeo clown says is *ACTUALLY* funny, find my friend working in a Snowie Shack and be kind enough to unplug it and then watch while he struggles to make it work, laugh at said friend's stupidity, look at all the pretty horses and wish I had one for my own, look at all the pretty cowboys and wish I had one for my own, and last but not least dress up as a cowgirl complete with cowgirl hat!!

And yes, I am aware it's a crummy picture. I tried taking them by myself which never turns out well because it makes me more self-conscious because I'm worried about how I look WHILE worrying about taking a good picture.
After minutes of struggling on my own I got Trevor to take a couple pictures for me:

Personally I think I did a better job...

I have no clue...

This one's my favorite apart from the fact that it's blurry, if he'd have taken it right it would have been a cute one. But the point really is to show off my hair, hat, and shirt... and maybe my bare feet and the clarinet in the background...

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